Regain your Balance.


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Treatment Session

During your initial appointment, we take a comprehensive approach to understand your unique situation. We'll discuss your medical and social history in detail, including past injuries, surgeries, and any family history that may be relevant. This helps us connect the dots and see how various factors might be contributing to your pain or injury.

We'll also perform a thorough physical evaluation, both while you stand and on the treatment table. This includes assessing your posture, structural alignment, and range of motion. But it goes beyond just physical checks. We listen attentively to your body's signals and acknowledge how stress and even family history can play a role in chronic pain or injuries. We believe in a holistic approach, so no detail is overlooked in creating a personalized treatment plan to get you back on track.

Based on your initial assessment, we begin by focusing on the areas that are most urgent and relevant to reducing your current pain or injury, all while continuing to monitor and evaluate your response to the treatment. Appropriate follow ups are scheduled for continued care.

What to Expect During Your First Appointment

Your ongoing treatment plan will be unique to you and depend on the findings of your initial evaluation. It might involve a combination of:

  • Manual therapy techniques to address muscle imbalances, joint restrictions, and improve mobility.

  • Specific exercises designed to strengthen, improve flexibility, and address any movement limitations.

  • Guidance on managing stress or other lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your pain.

Just like the specific treatment will vary from client to client, so will the frequency and length of visits needed to address the current issues your body is facing.

Ongoing Patient Treatment Plans

Standing treatment of female client using manual therapy techniques


New Client (60 min) - $175

  • Receive a comprehensive assessment of how your body is moving and how systems are working

  • Remaining time spent on treatment

Returning Client (45 min) - $160

Returning Client (30 min) - $85

Insurance - Currently In network with Regence and some Pacific Source plans.

LATE CANCELLATIONS/ NO SHOWS - Cancellations without 24 hr notice or failure to show up to an appointment may result in a fee of $60 for 30 min and $100 for 45 min and initial 60 min appointments.


  • In-Depth Postural/Gait Analysis

  • Sport/Performance-Specific Manual Therapy

  • Myofascial Release

  • Strain-Counterstrain

  • Somato-Visceral Integration

  • Chapman’s Reflex Points

  • Bennett’s Reflex Points

  • Muscle Energy Techniques

  • Cranial Techniques

  • Trigger Point Therapy

  • Inhibitory Technique

  • Functional Technique

Laying evaluation technique of women's shoulders during manual therapy session


  • You will be clothed the entire time, so wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows the therapist to easily access the areas they'll be working on. This might include athletic wear, yoga pants, or a loose t-shirt and shorts.

  • You will be touched, but manual therapy shouldn't cause excruciating pain. There may be some discomfort as the therapist addresses tight muscles or restrictions. However, communication is key! Let your therapist know if anything feels too intense, and they can adjust their pressure or technique.

  • Please make sure all the intake paperwork is filled out prior to your session to allow for an efficient use of the scheduled treatment time.

  • Some temporary soreness or stiffness is normal after a manual therapy session. This is usually a sign that the treatment is working and your body is responding. Drinking plenty of water and applying ice (if appropriate) can help reduce any discomfort.

  • The number of sessions you'll need depends on your specific condition and goals. Your therapist will discuss a treatment plan with you and adjust it as needed based on your progress.

  • In some cases, you may need a referral from your doctor to see a physical therapist for manual therapy. It's always best to check with your insurance provider to understand their coverage policies.

  • Manual therapy can be beneficial for a wide range of conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, muscle tension, sports injuries, and even some chronic pain conditions.

Rebalance your body today!